
Installation projects

Alzheimer’s Australia

Tasman AV was engaged to design and provide an AV solution for the Dementia Learning Centre in Parkville. This solution […]

Baw Baw Shire Council

Baw Baw Shire Council Chambers – Dual room Laser projectors on two, 120 inch 16-10 screens. Digital signal processing merging

City of Stonnington

Tasman AV implement an Audio Visual installation for City Of Stonnington Town Hall in Malvern. Equipment comprising, Epson EBZ10000WNL /

Dandenong High School

Dandenong High School Auditorium Audio Visual Installation. Dandenong High School engaged Tasman AV to provide a AV design fit for

RK Lawyers

Tasman AV was asked to implement a distributed Audio and Visual Solution into the main Boardroom, Meeting Room 2, 3

Salesian College

Salesian College Multi Million Dollar Building Refurbishment required complete Audio Visual Solutions for all areas. Tasman AV implemented a number

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